Style (Reference only)

This applies to Content Team Member


H1 Headings appear like this (Page Headings)

H2 Headings appear like this (sub heading)

H3 Headings appear like this (sub heading)

H4 Headings appear like this

H5 Headings appear like this
H6 Headings appear like this


Paragraphs appear as below:

This is placeholder text. It is to be replaced with words of your choice. This is placeholder text content - to be replaced from within mission control. Please ignore this text as it is for placeholder purposes only. This is placeholder text content - to be replaced from within mission control. Please ignore this text as it is for placeholder purposes only. This is placeholder text content - to be replaced from within mission control. Please ignore this text as it is for placeholder purposes only.


Links will appear as below:

This is placeholder text.


As a general rule:

  1. Please remove bold, italicised and underlined content that the client has provided
  2. Please remove any font colours or sizes the client has added when they have uploaded their content
  3. Please left align all text unless indicated differently in the design

Innovative Piping Systems

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